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We can provide complete concepts and help to create the perfect design for you. We specialize in developing commercial collections. In cooperation with our customers we create themes by using the current colours and style trends.


(Re)styling for exististing or new brands

We like to restyle existing brands by developing a new style (image). After evaluating the target group we pitch a plan for a new concept to improve the existing style (image) and collection. We create a new brand experience through our styling, marketing, communication and marketing knowlegde. Moodboards and brainstorm sessions are leading to define the direction for a new collection. In cooperation with our customer we decide the final direction and start creating the new designs. All these designs together become a full new company style or collection, following the new trends which will be even more appealing to the end consumer.


We will be happy to make you an offer for any styling or re-branding you come across.


Not only can we help you with the re-styling and -branding, we can also help to facilitate the whole production and logistics for you, see textiles & production.

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